I Know Pete Wentz!

April 30th, 2007
petewentz.jpg I feel like a fool! I just realized I went to New Trier High School with Ashlee Simpson's boyfriend Pete Wentz. I had several classes together with the Fall Out Boy rocker. I can't believe I am just realizing this now. Anywho, he stopped by TRL yesterday. Too bad I didn't stay in touch...idiot! ashleepete.jpg Simpson made the trip to New York with him. peteashleeparty.jpg The couple hosted a party at Angels and Kings last night.

Carrie’s Boys Reunite In Maui

April 30th, 2007
aidenandbig.jpg John Corbett and Chris Noth attended the opening of Duo in Maui at the Four Seasons on Saturday. It's nice that Aiden and Big can finally be friends. I'm sure Carrie is overjoyed.

Stacey And Stargo

April 30th, 2007
stargo.jpg Stacey Keibler hung out in Chicago over the weekend at Underground with Boots Girls BFF Sarah "Stargo" Vargo!

Billy Joel Mistakes Victoria and Everything S.O.S. For Perez Hilton!!! Ha!

April 29th, 2007
joel.jpg No joke! This story is 100% true! So Victoria and Everything S.O.S. waited outside the posh hotel Billy Joel has been staying at in Chicago early Sunday night to get his autograph. When Joel arrived back from his Omaha, Nebraska show at around 12:45 a.m., Victoria approached him for his autograph. Before Vickie even said a word, Joel looked at her and said: "You're Perez Hilton!" To which Victoria responded and said: "No, but he's posted pictures of me on his site. I'm better than Perez!" Then Joel responded with a huge outburst of laughter. LOL! We know what Joel must be doing during his free time. Joel also refused to take a photo with Victoria. Maybe he doesn't want a photo with himself posing with a cross-dresser splashed around the net like what happened with John Mayer. vickiepolkadress.jpg Here's what Vickie wore for her big Joel encounter. You go baby girl!!!

The Stars Shine Down Under!

April 29th, 2007
HollyWHAT? Sydney was the cool place to be over the weekend. Some of Hollywood's hottest made the 24-hour trip down yonder for the MTV's Australia Video Awards. nicolerichie.jpg Nicole Richie... pink.jpg Pink... kristinandnick.jpg Kristin Cavallari and Nick Zano and FINALLY... unknownguest.jpg Sophie Monk, Fergie and, as posted on WireImage, an UNKNOWN GUEST. But we know who that is. It's our favorite photo snatching blogging bandit.

American Idol BUST!!!

April 29th, 2007
jessicasierra.jpg Florida police arrested former American Idol finalist Jessica Sierra today on drug and assault charges after an incident at a Tampa restaurant. Sierra reportedly hit a man with a glass and was found with cocaine in her possession. Ouch!!!

A-Listers Hit Us Weekly’s Hot Hollywood Bash

April 29th, 2007
Us Weekly brought in several A-list babes Thursday night for their Hot Hollywood party at Sugar in Hollyhood. jlo.jpg J.Lo is Us Weekly's style icon of the year. ashlee.jpg Short dresses are in! lindsay.jpg Lindsay Lohan sported curls. carmen.jpg Carmen looked electric as always.

Boots Girls Hanging With R &B Mogul

April 27th, 2007
lindsayhays.jpg Boots Girls BFFs Kristen Tischhauser and Lindsay Hays of Grace Public Relations hung out with Russell Simmons last night at Rednofive in Chicago for their event celebrating the launch of his new book Do You! 12 Laws to Access the Power in You to Achieve Happiness and Success. How is it that the babes look happier to be hanging with Simmons than he does with them? Hellllllloooo Russell. It should be the other way around. amyandrussell.jpg Meet Amy Crawford. She's my new intern and a fabulous Boots Girl. Crawford conducted her first interview with R. Simmons Thursday. You'll be able to read about it in my RedEye column this coming monday. russell.jpg Gotta love the pap shots!


April 27th, 2007
trannyjohn1.jpg Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Perez Hilton used the photo he stole from my site of Victoria and Everything S.O.S. and John Mayer on his site AGAIN! Perez, are you serious??? Must be a slow news day!

Bored In New York!

April 27th, 2007
Here's a video I found of Napoleon Dynamite interviewing future rock star George W. Bush. Celebrities aren't acting up tonight and I decided to stay in (IDIOT!) and behave tonight even though I am in NY Hizzy! However, I see a long night out in Manhattan in my very near future....

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