Billy Joel Mistakes Victoria and Everything S.O.S. For Perez Hilton!!! Ha!
No joke! This story is 100% true! So Victoria and Everything S.O.S. waited outside the posh hotel Billy Joel has been staying at in Chicago early Sunday night to get his autograph. When Joel arrived back from his Omaha, Nebraska show at around 12:45 a.m., Victoria approached him for his autograph. Before Vickie even said a word, Joel looked at her and said: “You’re Perez Hilton!”
To which Victoria responded and said: “No, but he’s posted pictures of me on his site. I’m better than Perez!”
Then Joel responded with a huge outburst of laughter. LOL! We know what Joel must be doing during his free time.
Joel also refused to take a photo with Victoria. Maybe he doesn’t want a photo with himself posing with a cross-dresser splashed around the net like what happened with John Mayer.
Here’s what Vickie wore for her big Joel encounter. You go baby girl!!!