Cuba Gooding BFF Reunion Of The Millennium!!!

February 27th, 2007
cubes2.jpg Last night we had a reunion with Cuba Gooding last night at Winston's. Show me the money! (Love you Cubes, but seriously you need a new line baby girl!) Kate and I met Cubes last summer after we hung out with Tom Cruise at a dinner honoring Steven Spielberg. We had da bomb time with Cuba once again; however, we are paying the price today. What is 3 p.m. and we just woke up. D'oh. And I missed a couple radio interviews. I'm blaming it all on Gooding! P.S. Thanks for the smoke Ryan Phillippe....

Shanna Moakler Babies Mama Drama!!!

February 27th, 2007
shannamoakler.jpg Ok there really wasn't babies mama drama. Just really wanted to say that badly. (My lips hurt real bad!) So any who, last night we saw Kate's arch rival...Shanna Moakler. Shanna Maokler and her hubby Travis Barker were separated for a split second. During that time, Kate hung out with Barker at Privilege and fell in love. He even bought her roses FuhREAL dawg! Marisa and I betrayed Kate and BFFed Shanna (re: below); however, Kate avoided her like the plague. She feared for life AND another Shanna-Paris cat fight. Meow! bootsgirlshot.jpg Boots girls looking hot. Marisa and I are wearing there same cheesy L.A. baby tees (baby girl!) that we bought in the Beverly Hills Hilton.

Good Morning Chicago!

February 27th, 2007
shanamoakler.jpg We are still, sadly, drinkin' and postin' in our Bev Hills hotel has been night 5 in a row....oh well. The remnants from the mini-bar are dwindling.....thanks for the cork in my glass, Liz. Ummm yeaaaaahh that was MARIS posting. We are officially signing off cuz we are DONE! XOXO For now........... More celeb pics and gossip when we sober up baby girls,,,,,

Thanks For The Smoke, Ryan…NOT!!!

February 27th, 2007
ryan.jpg So, we are rocking out at a table at Winston's next to Ryan Phillipe.....and he is repeatedly checking out my BFF Marisa so i thought i could at least get a smoke out of the deal! So, I sauntered over and asked for a cig, and despite the fact that he had three smokes coming out of his mouth, a pack rolled up under each sleave, a smoke behind each ear, nostril, smoke coming out of his ass, cigarette girl on his lap, cig vending machine behind him, cloud of smoke encompassing him, Menthol Light tee-shirt on, Zippos engraved with Ava and Deacon on the table....and the Marlboro Man had just rode up to next to him....he claimed HE WAS ALL OUT!!!!! Thanks, baby girl, so I'll live a few months longer!!!! More to come baby girls....... when we wake up. We hung out with one of our no. 1 fave celeb all night, Cubes! That is, Cuba Gooding Junior.... And TW...BORAT DUDE WOULD NEVER HAVE DENIED OF US OF ANYTHING! KEEP THAT IN MIND RP/TOOOOOO COOOOOOLL FOR SCHOOOL!!!!!!!!!

The Borat Saga Continues!

February 26th, 2007
borat2.jpg We went to the Us Weekly party tonight at a house in the Hollywood Hills. We only had one celebrity encounter and OF COURSE it was Ken Davitian from Borat. He's our destiny! No one had the balls to approach him until I, once again, attacked him. I saw him from across the party and chased him down again. We made him talk on video as Azamat in his Kazakhstan accent. We will post the video as soon as we figure out how!

The Osbournes Are Stalking Us!

February 25th, 2007
osbournes.jpg So we bumped into Kelly Osbourne Friday night at the Roosevelt Hotel. Earlier that day Marisa got her hair done next to Sharon at the Beverly Hills Hilton. Last night we were at the Body Shop strip club (yes that would be my 2nd strip club in one week; I swear I am not a loser!) and saw Jack Osbourne. We're just waiting for Ozzy to bust into our hotel room!

Hollywood Quote Of The Weekend Courtesy Kelly Osbourne

February 24th, 2007
kellyo.jpg "I'm not racist; my boyfriend's Asian," Kelly Osbourne told us last night at the Roosevelt Hotel after she introduced us to her new beau. She looked great! We would have taken a photo with her, but she told us she was too drunk for that. We understand.

PIMP Daddy (Literally!) Joe Simpson Amused By Jessica-Victoria Debacle

February 23rd, 2007
joesimpson.jpg Last night I bumped into my old friend Joe Simpson at Sky Bar. I filled him in on my and Victoria and Everything S.O.S.'s recent stalkage of his daughter in Chicago. I told him how his daughter and John Mayer made our in-house cross-dresser a star by taking a photo with her. Joe cracked up! He loved the drama. I met Joe a few years ago in Chicago and we ended up boozing all night at Rockit Bar and Grill together. The day after we bonded I was sent to Las Vegas to cover Jessica and Nick Lachey. Since I became pals with Joe I didn't want to tell him I was stalking his daughter in Vegas. So while I was in Vegas I literally had to hide behind blackjack tables so Joe wouldn't see me. I told him last night that I did that and he thought it was pretty funny. Anyway, I asked him if he knew if Jessica has checked our blog yet. He wasn't certain; however, he said there is a good chance she has because she goes "on-line all day". Yay! jessandvickie.jpg In case you forgot (LOL!) this is the photo we are referring too!

Our Reunion With Stephen Baldwin

February 23rd, 2007
stephenbaldwin.jpg Marisa and I bumped into Stephen Baldwin last night. We reminisced about partying with him in Europe. The last time we saw him was at the 2001 Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, France. We were rockin' out with Lenny Kravitz at a house party and then Marisa ripped off her leopard dress and jumped in the pool naked. While she was frolicking around in the pool some chick stole her dress. So I had to put her on the shuttle bus back to Le College International de Cannes half-naked. Then I mortifyingly told Baldwin he looked just like Stephen Baldwin. His reply: "Yeah...I get that a lot." Idiot!!! Quote of the night from a too-overwhelmed Baldwin: "Barry, how do you do it?"

Thanks Bear Bear!!!

February 23rd, 2007
barry.jpg Special thanks to our BFF and Chicago real estate mogul Barry Schain! Barry has been with Maris and I for the best day of our lives and the best night of our lives. That was last night BTW. He is our official photographer/margarita maker/boat captain/purse holder/hotel room provider/twinkie factory party thrower/drink holder/bodyguard/alarm clock/mini bar host/slash, slash, slash, slash!!!!!!!!!

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