Senator Baldwin?!

August 20th, 2009


Stephen Baldwin said on Thursday that his big brother Alec Baldwin is seriously considering running for senate against Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman.

“Sure, I think Alec has some very interesting ideas that are common sense and logical that he would like to share with folks,” little Baldwin said according to the Washington Times. “And the best way to do that is to hold political office.”

Baldwin went on to say that the huge success of 30 Rock has given his big bro the financial security to run for office.

“I don’t know what he’s going to do, but I believe he’s going to do something,” Baldwin added.

We think Alec should stick with what he knows - acting and leaving nasty voicemail messages on his daughter, Ireland’s, cell phone!

Stephen Baldwin On Sarah Palin’s Affection For Him

October 21st, 2008


On last weekend’s Saturday Night Live Sarah Palin jokingly told Alec Baldwin that his younger brother, Stephen, is her favorite Baldwin. So Stephen sat down with Extra and commented about the vice presidential nominee’s affection for him.

Move over Joe the Plumber, Baldwin said he is ready to be Palin’s no. 1 go-to guy in the Republican Party.

“After Joe the Plumber and all the hype he’s getting, it’s making me think that to be the number one Republican kind of poster boy, I have to challenge Joe the Plumber to a UFC Smackdown,” Baldwin said.

As for Palin’s first SNL appearance he said, “[I] thought she was hilarious, a good sport…I think McCain was brilliant in choosing Sarah Palin because now SNL’s ratings this past Saturday were highest in 14 years.” He adds, “You could bet your backside that Lorne Michaels [executive producer, SNL] is going to accept her invitation…She’s already said [she’d] be glad to do it again.”

When asked who he thought was funnier – Palin or Alec - Stephen exclaimed, “Come on, what do you expect me to say? He’s my brother. [pause] Sarah Palin, no question.”

Baldwin admits he “thinks she’s [Palin] fantastic and more qualified to potentially be V.P. than another individual; maybe to be president.” As for Palin’s competition, Baldwin says, “Barack Obama is a brilliant man, very talented, very intelligent…It’s my opinion John McCain is the better choice. More experience to be president.”

Not only has Michaels I’m sure begged Palin to go back on SNL, I wouldn’t be surprised if he has a barn sized “McCain-Palin” poster hanging up outside his house considering what wonders Palin’s appearance did for the ratings of his show! If she doesn’t make it to to the White House with McCain, I think she has a fallback job with SNL!

Our Reunion With Stephen Baldwin

February 23rd, 2007


Marisa and I bumped into Stephen Baldwin last night. We reminisced about partying with him in Europe. The last time we saw him was at the 2001 Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, France. We were rockin’ out with Lenny Kravitz at a house party and then Marisa ripped off her leopard dress and jumped in the pool naked. While she was frolicking around in the pool some chick stole her dress. So I had to put her on the shuttle bus back to Le College International de Cannes half-naked. Then I mortifyingly told Baldwin he looked just like Stephen Baldwin. His reply: “Yeah…I get that a lot.” Idiot!!!

Quote of the night from a too-overwhelmed Baldwin: “Barry, how do you do it?”

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