Shanna Moakler Babies Mama Drama!!!
Ok there really wasn’t babies mama drama. Just really wanted to say that badly. (My lips hurt real bad!) So any who, last night we saw Kate’s arch rival…Shanna Moakler. Shanna Maokler and her hubby Travis Barker were separated for a split second. During that time, Kate hung out with Barker at Privilege and fell in love. He even bought her roses FuhREAL dawg! Marisa and I betrayed Kate and BFFed Shanna (re: below); however, Kate avoided her like the plague. She feared for life AND another Shanna-Paris cat fight. Meow!
Boots girls looking hot. Marisa and I are wearing there same cheesy L.A. baby tees (baby girl!) that we bought in the Beverly Hills Hilton.