Bill O’Reilly Blasts Eminem!

April 9th, 2009


Billy O’Reilly blasted Eminem on his show Wednesday for slamming Sarah Palin in his new video We Made You, and we’re sure Slim couldn’t be more pleased with the publicity.

In the rap Eminem has this to say about the Alaska governor: “I’ll invite Sarah Palin out to dinner, nail her baby, say hello to my little friend.”

O was not pleased with Em’s sex invite to the former V.P. candidate.

“Few Americans take the vile rapper Eminem seriously,” he said. “He represents the lowest form of entertainment in this country and is a publicity hound to boot.”

No one takes Eminem seriously; however, O’Reilly is giving him credibility by even acknowledging the satirical rap song.

“Kids see it, not adults,”” O’Reilly said. “No one over 25 listens to him.”

However, O’Reilly does make a valid point by saying that he’s surprised women’s groups and left wing media outlets are not protesting the rapper. He went on to say that if Travis Tritt made a derogatory reference about Hilary Clinton or Michelle Obama, O’Reilly says media outlets would “kill him.”

That is true. There definitely is a double standard out there with the left wing media when conservatives are bashed as opposed to liberals. That said, we usually agree with O’Reilly, but we think he’s a sucker for even reporting this story. Eminem bashes celebrities and politicians all the time strategically so people like the humble FNC correspondent react.

Note to Bill: You just helped the “obscene” rapper sell who knows how many more CDs by mentioning him and we’re sure Slim Shady is laughing all the way to the bank!

Bill O’Reilly Boycotts Sean Penn!

March 31st, 2009


Bill O’Reilly has vowed to never watch another flick starring dictator sympathizer Sean Penn.

In a slew of recent interviews to celebrate 100 months as the no. 1-rated Fox News show, O’Reilly has revealed that he refuses to watch Penn movies because of his alliances with brutal dictators.

“Enough with cozying up to the tyrants!” O’Reilly said on The View Monday.

O’Reilly elaborated in another interview.

“He’s a great actor, and if you hire him, you’ll get a good performance,” O’Reilly said to the Hollywood Reporter. “I’m just not going to give a guy who gives aid and comfort to people like [Iran president Mahmoud] Ahmadinejad, Hugo Chavez and Saddam Hussein, when he was alive, my 10 bucks. That’s my right as an American.”

Penn visited Iran briefly in December 2002 and also met with Venezuelan president Chavez.

Go Bill! We don’t support foolish Hollywood stars who cozy up to anti-American tyrants either and we think people who do are completely out of their mind!

Jessica Alba Lashes Out at Bill O’Reilly Again

January 27th, 2009


Jessica Alba is lashing out at Bill O’Reilly again and now too after they called her “dumb.”

At the inauguration last week Alba tried to turn the tables on a TMZ reporter by asking him what Barack Obama’s greatest characteristic was. When the reporter said he felt uncomfortable answering because he is a journalist, Alba replied: “Be neutral - be Sweden about it.”

TMZ called her a “ditz” and an “arrogant buffoon” for saying Sweden instead of Switzerland when referring to the neutral country during WWII.

O’Reilly - whom Alba had called an “a**hole” at the same event - also called her “dumb” for mixing up the countries.

Alba responded on her blog: “I find it depressing that, in the midst of perhaps the most salient time in our country’s history, individuals are taking it upon themselves to encourage negativity and stupidity.

“Last week, Mr. Bill O’Reilly and some really classy sites (i.e. TMZ) insinuated I was dumb by claiming Sweden was a neutral country.

“I appreciate the fact that he is a news anchor and that gossip sites are inundated with intelligent reporting, but seriously people… it’s so sad to me that you think the only neutral country during WWII was Switzerland.

“I appreciate the name calling and the accurate reporting. Keep it up!!”

It’s pretty ironic that Jessica is bashing Bill for encouraging negativity when she is the one who started their feud by calling him an a**hole even though she admitted she is not even familiar with him or his show!

Ignorance is bliss in Hollywood!

Jessica Alba Calls Bill O’Reilly an A**hole

January 21st, 2009

Jessica Alba has no problem telling people what she thinks of them and made it apparent at the Jan. 18 Declare Yourself party when asked about Bill O’Reilly.

When asked by a producer of The O’Reilly Factor if she had an Inauguration shout-out for the controversial show host, Alba said, “No, he’s kind of an…kind of an a–hole. A little bit.”

So why does Alba think he’s an a**hole?

“I don’t know how he does it…maybe he was born that way,” she said, smiling.

After the Alba diss and admitting that she doesn’t watch the FOX network, it was time for O’Reilly to fire back.

“[We] believe Miss Alba is misguided and would benefit greatly if she actually did watch The Factor,” he said.

Sounds like the start of something nasty! Let’s hope these two can bury the hatchet before things get too out of control.

Jennifer Aniston Is A Successful Media Whore!

December 16th, 2008


The is predicting who will dominate the weeklies this week and they’re putting their bets on Jennifer Aniston!

Aniston, who claims to hate all the attention the media has on her, has successfully dominated the headlines. Hell, she even had Bill O’Reilly talking about her on his show last night!

O’Reilly questioned if it was a “smart thing to do” by posing naked on the cover of GQ when she’s always marketed herself with a good girl image.

“She comes from a wholesome perspective. She’s in a dog movie,” O’Reilly sounded off. “Is she going to be naked next to the dog?”

Ha! Well, she did get naked in The Break-Up!

Here are the headlines the predict for Aniston this week:

- It’s War: Angie vs. Jen

-Jen Aniston Plastic Surgery

-Jen Aniston Loves Trouble

Jen has taken more drastic and desperate measures then usual to get exposure for her new movie Marley & Me. I think she is going to such extreme measures because she wants her movie to beat out her ex-husband’s movie, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, which opens on the same day, more than anything!

Only time will tell who will win this box office showdown!

FAT bastard Top 10 Most Pretentious!

December 11th, 2007


We thought this was pretty funny…

FAT bastard wine company conducted its second annual “Most Pretentious Poll”, asking 100 lifestyle editors from newspapers coast to coast to name the most obnoxious poseurs.

Donald Trump and Paris Hilton topped off the list. Scroll down to read who else made the list and why.

#1. Donald Trump - After the war of the Rosie, the Donald’s new claim to fame is his elevation to first place in FAT bastard’s most pretentious poll. In fact, his pretensions seem to never end: he puts his name on everything from buildings and business suits to vodka and cologne. Everything he touches takes on a golden glow from the “most luxurious” hotels to the “top-rated” TV show - no matter the ratings. Even his signature “do” defies gravity. He’ll be the first to affirm that no one could possibly top Mr. Trump.

#2. Paris Hilton: Can this woman get no respect? Falling from first on our poll, she can’t seem to convince our respondents that she’s now taken the high road in life. Perhaps in 2008, we’ll see her spurn the spotlight
in favor of some serious do-gooding. For now, Paris seems to be leading a life that’s far from some simple - and the paparazzi will no doubt continue to provide the proof.


#3. Bill O’Reilly: Another man who’s moving up in the world of pretension is America’s “most influential conservative,” who last year sat in spot number four. Just ask him - he’ll be happy to tell you all of his opinions, at the top of his voice. As the Fox News Channel’s resident bully, O’Reilly is known for his feisty attitude, extraordinarily slanted views, and especially, for his ill-tempered tantrums whenever a liberal notion
creeps into the conversation.

#4. Rosie O’Donnell: Virtually tied for third with Mr. O’Reilly, Rosie makes her debut on the most pretentious list this year. For many the burning question may be: “What took her so long?” Equally vociferous about
her liberal leanings, Rosie is another media miracle who never shrinks from expressing her opinions. Nor does she have the least little problem letting everyone know how right she is to be a lefty.

#5. Tom Cruise: About to become the subject of a tell-all book, the inimitable Mr. Cruise is another personality who’s incredibly high - on himself. He’ll always be remembered for his couch-leaping craze, the
value of his advice to new mothers and his ongoing crusade for Scientology. As Cruise continued to place layer upon layer atop his crazy-cake, his worst move may have been making his sister his public relations rep. Now that she’s moved on to better things, perhaps his public behavior will become a
bit more circumspect. After all, he has already dropped down on the pretension poll from two to five.

#6. Hillary Clinton: When it comes to pretension, few women can top Hillary, who is still convinced that people “in her position” should never be questioned on pesky problems like the Whitewater scandal. How
surprised the other Democratic presidential contenders must have been to discover they weren’t allowed to discuss her stance on any of those annoying “issues” without becoming the targets of an aggressive Bill attack. After all, what truly matters is how much she wants the job.


#7. Victoria Beckham: Her Spice Girls nickname wasn’t “Posh” for nothing, though her musical contributions seem to have made a bigger impression on Victoria han they ever did on the music industry. “Coronated” when she wed - at least in her own mind - she and her soccer sweetie sat on golden thrones as they surveyed the subjects at their nuptials. Now conquering new galaxies in Los Angeles, the once bubbly pop star never smiles for the paparazzi. Perhaps she believes they’ll mistake her for a serious songstress.

#8. Tyra Banks: If considering yourself to be extraordinarily talented is a sure sign of being pretentious, claiming you are the next Oprah may reach a new high. Though she’s no journalist, the former Victoria Secret’s supermodel thinks she has all the answers. When starting her new talk show, Tyra told us: “I am prepared to share my life with people.” She even decided to get a sonogram to prove her breasts were real! Thanks, Tyra, for clearing that up. We can now sleep at night.

#9. Kanye West - Kanye’s sense of his own importance is most obvious during music award season. In fact, he’s sure he deserves them all. If he’s passed over, watch out, as this rapper will surely launch into a rant. He may be best known for leaping on stage during the real winners’ acceptance speeches to let us know how wrongly he has been treated. Perhaps Kanye deserves to be recognized for at least this one talent: the MTV Award for Most Egregious Public Acts of Petulance?

#10. Britney Spears - Last place on the poll is reserved for a true loser in 2007: she shed her husband, lost her kids and if her performance at the MTV VMA’s is any indication, she may be in danger of losing her career, as well. Perhaps it’s her hubris in thinking she can continue on the course of her seemingly irresponsible life and still claim she’s a good mom that earned her a place on the FAT bastard Most Pretentious Poll.

ALF Comeback!

November 28th, 2007

I know. I couldn’t believe my eyes too! ALF is entering the No Spin Zone with Bill O’Reilly this Friday. Now that will be a debate that’s sure to be out of this world!

Mark Cuban Challenges Bill O’Reilly Again!

November 19th, 2007


The Mark Cuban-Bill O’Reilly feud is a tough one for me, because I’m friends with both powerhouses.

Bill O’Reilly is steamed at Cuban for producing “Redacted” - a controversial film about the real-life rape and killing of a 14-year-old Iraqi girl by U.S. soldiers. O’Reilly believes the flick’s anti-American.

O’Reilly has offered Cuban to come on his show on several occassions and he refuses unless O’Reilly is willing to do a story on Cuban’s pro-troop efforts including his Fallen Patriot Fund.

However, Cuban did recently offer to debate O’Reilly on MSNBC’s “Countdown with Keith Olbermann”. Well, I didn’t think that was fair, because anyone who watches MSNBC knows that most of the talent there has an anti-O’Reilly agenda.

So Cuban’s new challenge, as he told me, is that he said he would be willing to debate O’Reilly on any Fox show. Cuban doesn’t think O’Reilly has the “balls” to do it. I think he does. I’m waiting to hear back from O’Reilly’s people.

Stay tuned…there’s nothing better than a heated debate!

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