Nick Cannon dished to The Boots Girls Thursday night at Chicago’s Underground for owner Billy Dec’s blog party for BillyDec.com about his life with Mariah Carey, their plans to have children in the future, his new TV show and how he is saddened about Chris Brown’s assault on Rihanna
BG: How do you feel about Chris Brown’s assault on Rihanna?
NC: I believe what happened is so unfortunate. Knowing both of those people, all I can do is pray for them, because it’s not my situation, so I can’t really speak on it. But I was saddened by what I saw. You know I mean, it’s devastating, so all you can do in those situations is pray that they are both getting some help.
BG: Have you met or worked with either of them before?
NC: Oh yeah, I’ve worked with both of them.
BG: So, are you friends with Chris Brown?
NC: I would say I was closer to Rihanna than Chris Brown.
BG: Have you talked to her since the incident?
NC: I haven’t. You know it was unexceptable. You know what I mean — you should never put your hands on a woman. So, if that means guilty, yeah. Because there’s no reason to ever touch a woman. That’s just not acceptable.
BG: So, Mariah’s not getting any beatings any time soon?
NC: Never, she’s beating me up. You all are going to see me all lumped up one day.
BG: You were just in Chicago for America’s Got Talent - how did that go?
NC: It went good. I mean we found some interesting people.
BG: What was the craziest talent you saw?
CB: Some old ladies drumming.
BG: How old?
NC: Old, like gram-mammas. They were all drumming, and they were shaking it, and their stuff was bouncing. (Ha!)
BG: Who are the other judges this season?
NC: Same judges. Piers Morgan, The Hof — David Hasselhoff — and Sharon Osbourne.
BG: So, is it true? Don’t hassle the Hof?
NC: I don’t now, we’ve always been cool. I actually haven’t seen him since I’ve got the job, but I’ve seen him many times in the past. He’s a cool dude. He’s Michael Knight at the end of the day. In my eyes, he’s always going to be the knight rider, and that’s the coolest thing ever.
BG: So, I heard that Mariah was going to make an appearance on America’s Go Talent?
NC: That was a lie. I don’t know who made that up. People said that is the reason why I got the job. People just make some stuff up in the press.
BG: Are you trying to trick us… or maybe surprise us?
NC: I swear. That’s one thing, I never lie about anything. If you look in the history of all of my interviews, if I say something it’s usually true. But yeah, I don’t know who made that up. That’s a weird rumor too. I mean she might come to a show or two in the back, but I doubt you will see her sitting next to somebody’s grandma in the audience.
BG: What other projects do you have going on? You just finished a movie, right?
NC: Yeah, we just finished a movie [The Killing Room]. It was up at Sundance. I got a lot of stuff going on. I’m working on my comedy album that’s going to be out this year. I’m going to hit the road and do some stuff like that. I got a lot of stuff in the works that I really can’t talk about. But we got some big news that’s going to be announced next week.
BG: Can you give us a hint?
NC: Let’s just say that I’m getting my executive on — I’m getting my grown man on.
BG: Is this a professional project? I know you have a lot of talents, so
can you tell us some more?
NC: Yeah, it’s a professional project. It’s going to be behind the scenes. It’s something that’s never been done before, so it’s coming up. But I’m not allowed to say anything, because someone else has to say something first.
BG: When and where are you going to announce it?
NC: It’s going to be in New York at a press conference. But I’m giving you the exclusive. We got some hot executive stuff coming up.
BG: And onto your personal life. There’s been a lot of rumors going on…
pregnancy rumors. Can you fill me in?
NC: Oh no. More lies.
BG: Do you see kids in your future?
NC: I hope to see kids in my future. I mean that’s the whole purpose of starting a family and getting married and all that stuff. If you’re saying like right now, nah, not right now.
BG: So, it’s not in your near future?
NC: The press was saying that we were at fertility clinics. I’m just saying all my stuff is working very well. I don’t need that!
Nick is one cool cat! It’s always a pleasure for us to interview him!