The Gosselins Under Investigation!


The never ending Jon and Kate Plus 8 saga continues! Only this time we’re getting a short break from the daily Jon and Kate marital drama.

The Pennsylvania Department of Labor confirmed today that an investigation is underway to determine if the show is violating child labor laws after receiving complaint against the show, according to

“We’re not saying that they are not complying with child labor laws. We’re investigating a complaint,” Troy Thompson of the Pennsylvania Department of Labor told Us. “We’re not saying that there was or was not a violation, just that we’re conducting an investigation.”

Like stated, they’re just following normal procedures, but TLC claims it “fully complies” with state laws and regulations.

No word on who filed the complaint or what exactly is under investigation, but being on the show means the children might be excused from standards such as how many hours they can work per day.

“It’s not like acting. They’re just going about their regular lives,” Ellen Dannin, a law professor at Penn State Dickinson School told Us.

Jon and Kate, do your kids a favor…quit the show!

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