Vince Vaughn Moves On With Playboy Bunnies


After partying at Teddy’s last night, Vince Vaughn was spotted leaving the Roosevelt Hotel with two Playboy Bunnies, according to sources.

“Vince went up to a guy standing next to a Bunny in the lobby and said to him ‘I hope you are closing the deal’,” an eyewitness said.

Then Vaughn left with two Bunnies himself.

Is this Vaughn’s revenge on Jennifer Aniston for kissing another dude at his birthday party last week?

Later Friday night, a “well-served” Vaughn popped up again at the Velvet Margarita in Hollywood.


Hmmmmmmmm…which two Bunnies was it??? Not too bad of a way to start celebrating Easter!!! Hop!


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