Angelina Jolie’s Reason To Stay In Iraq
Angelina Jolie said the troop surge is creating opportunity to help Iraqi refugees in a powerful op-ed piece she wrote in the Washington Post yesterday.
“My visit left me even more deeply convinced that we not only have a moral obligation to help displaced Iraqi families, but also a serious, long-term, national security interest in ending this crisis.”
Jolie based her conclusion if the surge is working on what she saw with her own eyes during her recent trip to Iraq.
“As for the question of whether the surge is working, I can only state what I witnessed: U.N. staff and those of non-governmental organizations seem to feel they have the right set of circumstances to attempt to scale up their programs. And when I asked the troops if they wanted to go home as soon as possible, they said that they miss home but feel invested in Iraq. They have lost many friends and want to be a part of the humanitarian progress they now feel is possible.”