Wherefore Art Thou Tiger?!!


Sure, you can’t miss his face on newsstands and tabloids EVERYWHERE, but where in the world is Tiger Woods?!!

Sources had previously claimed the skeezy golfer was cruising the waters off the Bahamas on his $20 million yacht Privacy, with friends over the holidays. However, Privacy, the boat, has reportedly remained docked in northern Palm Beach County, Florida.

It appears that the most overused name in today’s celebrity gossip can hardly be matched to a face!

The last time anyone can remember Tiger in public was when paramedics treated him for his Thanksgiving night car crash. The incident that caused a series of scandalous events, including his disappearing act!

Well, Boots Girl sources have heard recent rumors that the invisible man is actually posted up at recovery center somewhere outside Florida after undergoing some SERIOUS reconstructive surgery… apparently Elin really knows how to f*** a brother up!


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