Mischa Barton Denies She Went Full On Crazy!


Remember that time last month when Mischa Barton apparently suffered a mental breakdown and checked into Cedars-Sinai? She claims her extended stay at the hospital was a result of a “terrible wisdom tooth surgery.”

Bitch really is ca-razy! Did she honestly think anyone would believe that? Come on girl, let’s get real.

“It was a nightmare,” the actress told Time Out New York. “I’ve never had surgery before — it all went wrong and I had to have a second surgery and it almost delayed shooting [on her new CW show The Beautiful Life] because it was a nightmare to me, because I couldn’t deal with the thought of not getting there on time. So with the travel and surgery and prep for the show, it was hell.”

She added that she’s still healing from the surgery and said the hardest part about it has been not taking “proper painkillers because I couldn’t take those during work.” Hmm, sounds like nothing a little coke can’t fix!

So she might be blaming the hospital visit on her wisdom tooth surgery, but Barton did NOT deny the fact she encountered a rough patch as of recently.

“I went through a tough spot where everything compounded on me, and it was like a perfect storm, like everything was happening to me at once,” she told Time Out New York. “I was down in the dumps about everything there for a while.”

An official nervous breakdown? Barton says not so much, but pretty close.

“I’m not sure I’m capable of a full-on” episode. But it was pretty bad,” she admitted. “It didn’t last that long… Sometimes you have to hit rock bottom about things and have to get the most stressed out just to feel better again. I got completely stressed out and couldn’t handle everything, and now I feel really in control.”

Nice work at lying and telling the truth at the same time, Mischa!

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