Larry King Interviews Paris…YAWN!!!


Here are some highlights, or I should say lowlights, from Larry King’s super boring interview with Paris Hilton last night. Seriously, Larry needs to learn how to ask better questions. I tried very hard to watch the whole interview with good focus, but I found myself repeatedly distracted by watching the fascinating paint dry on my walls.

Paris on her prison dinners:

*It’s this mystery kind of jail slop.

Paris on her overall experience in the slammer:

*It was a very traumatic experience, but I do believe that everything happens for a reason. I took that time to get to know myself. I have new outlook on life.

Paris on her fan letters:

*I had no idea I had so much support. It was very heartwarming.

(She received letters from India and soldiers in Iraq.)

Paris on her illness:

*I suffer from claustrophobia. When I first got into that cell I was having severe panic attacks. My claustrophobia was kicking in.

Paris on her shady friends:

*I’ve gotten rid of a lot of people. I don’t want people who are not going to be beneficial to my life and positive.

Paris on what she does not like about Paris:

*When I am nervous or shy my voice gets really high. That is something I am trying to change.

Paris on her future:

*Going out is not going to be the mainstay of my life anymore.

Paris on Nicole Richie:

*She’s like my sister. I don’t want anything bad to happen to her.

Paris on Britney Spears:

*She’s a sweet girl. She’s a good mother. (Britney)

Paris on her love for the cameras:

*I see some celebrities throw water at the paparazzi or give them the middle finger. I am not going to do that.

Blah, blah, blah I’m falling asleep. You get the drift!

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