What does O.J. Simpson do after his alleged involvement in an armed robbery?
Does he run? Does he hide? I say no, no, no!
He goes out and parties Vegas-style – yeah baby!
Yep, that’s right. On Sept. 13, just a mere few hours after The Juice reportedly broke into a Palace Station hotel room armed with a gun to seize sports memorabilia in Las Vegas , The Juice went out for a wild night on the town.
Simpson spent hours at Vegas hotspot Ghostbar located in the Palms hotel and casino and had a grand ole time working the room – posing for photos and shaking hands - like a politician campaigning for office.

“He was bouncing around the whole club meeting different people,” eyewitness Justin Terzo told the Boots Girls. “He seemed like he was celebrating a good score.”
That good score reportedly included Simpson’s sports memorabilia and the infamous suit he wore the day he was acquitted.
Simpson denied the armed robbery and told police he was conducting a sting operation to collect his personal belongings.
No one except Simpson himself could know what was going through his mind when he decided to conduct his very own sting operation. Perhaps the pimp juice he drank altered his judgment? I don’t know…
People at the bar tell us that Simpson arrived at Ghostbar around 1 a.m. with one bodyguard and stayed for several hours.
Simpson drank cocktails at the nightclub and walked around the room as if he was “promoting himself,” according to Gordy Sang.
The friendly Simpson told bar-goer Ari Strauss (Chicago shout out: Strauss owns Wrigleyville bar Sluggers!) with slurred speech that he was in town to play golf and added that he had a room at the Palms two-floors below the top-floor bar.

“I remember noticing right away that his speech was definitely slurred,” Strauss said.
Simpson remained at the bar till after 3 a.m.
The young group of twenty-something year-old guys reuniting with their pals from college in Vegas for the weekend really did not realize the magnitude of the crazy night until they turned the news on the next day.
To sum it up:
“At first I was just excited to see O.J. Simpson, let alone shake his hand that was holding a gun 5 hours earlier!” Sang said.