Prince Harry’s Racist Remarks

February 11th, 2009


Prince Harry already got himself into trouble last month when he called a Pakistani officer a “raghead” and now he’s offended yet another demographic.

When comic Stephen K. Amos performed at Prince Harry’s father’s 60th birthday party, Harry apparently tried to crack a joke of his own and said, “You don’t sound like a black chap.”

Stephen K. Amos appeared on the U.K. chat show The Wright Stuff on Tuesday and told this story. Amos’ response to Harry? “I wanted to say, ‘How is I supposed to sound?’”

Amos is not the only person speaking out about Prince Harry’s comment.

“Many young people will be disgusted by his remark,” said Naomi Byron, national secretary of Youth Against Racism in Europe, reported the U.K.’s Daily Mirror.

“But it is not just Prince Harry that is at fault,” she is further quoted as saying. “The aristocratic, rich circles he moves in obviously don’t have a problem with this kind of racist stereotyping.”

We think the press is giving Harry too hard of a time! I think everyone makes mistakes and lets a racial stereotype slip out every now and then. Give this kid a break aready!

A Hero’s Cheerio!

March 3rd, 2008


Prince Harry returned home to England from Afghanistan on Saturday where he reunited with his brother Prince William and father Prince Charles.

Cheerio old chap!

Prince Harry the Hero!

February 29th, 2008


After news broke yesterday that Prince Harry has been serving on the front line in Afghanistan with the British Army, he’s been referred to as Harry the Hero. That’s exactly what he is!


The Prince boldly left the comforts of Buckingham Palace for far less glamorous accommodations. In the above picture Prince Harry was photographed relaxing on his camp bed at FOB Delhi in January in Helmand Province, Afghanistan.


Prince Harry followed the same orders his non-royal fellow soldiers adhered to. In this photo Prince Harry passes a local riding a donkey as he patrols through the deserted town of Garmisir back in January.


Prince Harry sits atop a spartan armoured vehicle in this photo. Now that’s hot!

It’s not clear where Prince Harry is stationed now. A spokesperson for the Ministry of Defense will not comment on his whereabouts; however, Us Weekly is reporting that he left Afghanistan yesterday.

The Boots Girls salute Prince Harry and all the men and women fighting in the war on terrorism for their BRAVE service!

Prince Harry’s Drunk Fall

March 26th, 2007


England’s Prince Harry took a mortifying tumble at a London nightclub over the weekend. One of the photographers claimed the Royal Lush tried to take a swing at him before falling to the ground. Reps for Harry’s father Prince Charles said: “As he left the nightclub he started joking with one of the photgraphers and unfortunately he lost his footing.” Ha!

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