No Santa Claus For The Gosselin Kiddies!


Santa won’t be climbing down the Gosselin’s chimney this year! And not because the eight children have been bad, but because they flat out don’t believe in his bullshit!

“They don’t believe in Santa Claus,” a Gosselin pal reveals of nine year-old twins Mady and Cara and five year-old sextuplets Alexis, Hannah, Aeden, Collin, Leah and Joel. “Mady and Cara ruined it for the sextuplets,” the source explains, “and told them a few years ago that Santa wasn’t real, and that their presents come from Mommy and Daddy.”

We highly doubt Cara had anything to do with the Santa slip! Mady, our least favorite Gosselin, clearly was just being a bitch and decided to ruin the magic for her siblings!

Looks like Mady’s bad behavior is rubbing off on the little ones! Like The Grinch, the sextuplets are trying to ruin Christmas for all of Wernersville, Pa.!

“The sextuplets are the ones at school who tell the other kids there’s no Santa Claus,” the source explained.

So maybe the kiddies won’t be leaving milk and cookies for Santa Claus on Christmas eve but they’ve definitely gotten into the holiday cheer! The Gosselins have set up a twelve-foot tree, decorated with white lights and a big star on top, in the family room at the back of the house.

We think Mady needs a swift kick to the ass this year! Someone’s gotta tell that poor child who’s boss because it certainly shouldn’t be her!

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