Audrina Patridge Can’t Get Enough Of The Hills!


The verdict is in! Audrina Patridge has officially signed on to star in the next season of The Hills!

After weeks of negotiations, Us has learned exclusively that Patridge isn’t quite ready to give up on the reality series that made her famous!

“I can officially confirm that Audrina Patridge will appear in the 6th season of The Hills,” Jennifer Shoucair Weaver, a rep for the actress, tells “Production will resume shortly after the new year. Next week, Patridge begins filming the pilot episode of her currently unnamed spinoff show, also for MTV . The new show will be produced by Mark Burnett.”

As reported yesterday, a source close to ceiling eyes said it wouldn’t be surprising if MTV chose to intertwine the shows. Honestly, why does she need her own series if she’s going to continue being a Hills girl? Both shows follow the same petty drama… no need for more garbage!

A second source tells Us, “She is getting six figures per episode. It is an incredibly lucrative deal.”

Well damn! The Boots Girls seriously need to look into getting a reality show because if people will tune into a show following a girl looking up at the sky for 30 minutes than they’d sure as hell get a hoot out of us!

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