Attention All Twilight Fans!!!
On Saturday, Nov. 14, AT&T and KISS-FM are hosting a radio remote with the opportunity for you to win tickets to a sneak preview of New Moon!
Additionally, there is an opportunity to win passes to the VIP meet-and-greet where you’ll have the chance to meet a special cast member from the movie who will be signing autographs and doing media interviews.
The VIP meet-and-greet is on Nov. 19 from 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. at the AT&T retail store, followed by the movie premiere at 9:30 at the AMC theater on Michigan Ave.
Come to the downtown AT&T retail store at 70 W. Madison St., this Saturday where they’ll be giving away 50 pairs of tickets to the premiere and 10 pairs of VIP meet-and-greet passes!
Potential cast members could be Edward or Bella themselves so this is DEFINITELY not something to pass up! See you there!!!