Brad & Angelina’s 24/7 Fights!
The new issue of Us Weekly is unveiling a new side of the Jolie-Pitts!
The new tell-all, Brangelina: The Untold Story of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, gives the public a look inside the couple’s not so lovey-dovey relationship, such as how “they’ve broken up so many times it would make your head spin.”
It also insinuates that Jolie “has a temper like a cobra” and even alleges that she once confessed to hiring a hit man to kill her in 1998 because she was so delusional!
So Jennifer Aniston PRETENDS to be crazy for the attention?! And Angelina is just LEGIT crazy?!
The new issue of Us also goes into detail about Brad and Angelina’s constant fights about their six children.
“They fight all the time about the kids - where to put toys, saying the wrong thing to a nanny, not cleaning up,” one source tells Us Weekly. “Like cats and dogs.”
They fight about where to put the toys?! Jon and Kate Gossselin much?